Let’s Be Fair

We went to the mall for dinner and a routine-visit to Toys R Us last evening.

Me: Valeris, let’s be fair to each other. You’ve enjoyed yourself at Toys R Us and now it’s Mummy’s turn to shop ok? It’s more enjoyable to hang out together like that, right?
V: *in deeps thoughts* Ooook..
Not sure if she got what I was trying to say though.

Later, we went to the Times Bookstore. After making payment and while walking out of the bookstore..

V: Ok! I want to go to the playground now.
Me: But..
V: Mummy, remember you said about being fair? Now it’s my turn.

OK! She totally knows what I was trying to say earlier. Great! Just great! 👍🏻😅😂

Valeris Outfit
Hairband: Handmade by Annekate
Dress: Tullelove by Gwen